Nomador is a trust-based community platform putting house-sitters and homeowners into contact. The Nomador website promotes house-sitting the world over by offering an affordable solution based on the values of sharing and fostering richer relationships between families across borders and continents.
House-sitting is a service almost always provided free of charge. “I lend you my home when I’m away, and you look after it like it was your own.” House-sitting is for people who love traveling!
Objectives of this current campaign:
We are looking for bloggers who can authentically promote using Nomador as a house-sitting service in order to enrich their travels – both from the perspective of house-sitters as well as homeowners (with a current strong preference for the latter).
Requirements and deliverables:
- You primarily have a North American audience. (Large European and/or Oceania will also be considered.)
- You have not recently written about other house-sitting platforms on your website.
- We would like one unique blog post on your website, written by you, bestowing the virtues of house-sitting and of the quality of Nomador’s platform, and linking to The management of Nomador would like to review your article before publishing.
- Within one month of the publication, you will provide us with relevant statistics as requested by our team.
This is a paid opportunity so please let us know what you would charge for the above requirements on the application form. Bloggers will be chosen based on the strength of the proposed article, writing skills, blog domain authority, and quality of the submission via the application form below.
We look forward to hearing from you! Please send questions to: