

Launched in 2011, Trover had an impressive start with 100,000 users in the first month. Since then, efforts have been focused on perfecting the product, and they now are ramping up marketing efforts to increase their user base. It’s working, thanks in large part to their efforts with influencers in other social media networks. Dubbed “the baby of Instagram and Trip Advisor”, Trover was listed as one of the best travel apps for 2015 by


HMI and Trover

Since early 2014, Hecktic Media Inc. (HMI)  has been contracted by Trover to recruit influencers and manage a variety of campaigns. To date, we have partnered with 28 different experts in travel and beyond. And even beyond the initial campaigns, we’ve continued to work with those influencers that provide the best results.

We are continuously looking for users who are travelers, explorers, and photographers. We want partners who have built a strong interactive community and are eager to share their “secret finds” with the world for a number of campaigns coming up in 2015. We’ve brought you to this page to gauge your abilities to bring value to Trover, and with the hope that we can find mutual interest.


How can you get involved?

To ease in our planning for 2015, we are developing a database of interested influencers. We expect to be recruiting a steady stream of bloggers according to the typical campaign structure (see below), with the first campaign expected to start on January 5th.  We may also reach out to certain influencers based on current trends on any given platform (i.e. if Trover is looking for traction specifically on Twitter or Instagram, etc, we will reach out to influencers with particular strength in that area).

To be considered, we ask you to submit your details via this form.

All information will be kept in strict confidence between HMI and Trover. Within the form is also the request for a quote, please provide it based on the typical campaign structure below.


#TroveOn Typical Campaign Structure



~ 4 weeks in length

~ There is no control over what you write about Trover, only the frequency of promotion

~ All of the below requirements will be as per a specific (but workable) schedule, such that the messages will be spread out among participants)

~ Participants will be committed to:

  • Post high quality photos to Trover a minimum of five times per week for four weeks (note that this is not specifically a “live” campaign, you can use photos from your previous travels). They can be uploaded via the app or web. The focus should be on highlighting little known “discoveries” from around the world. Trover is all about sharing tips – so not only should you share beautiful photos, but also include tips on how other Trover users can find the same spot
  • Post these discoveries to Twitter using the hasthtag #TroveOn and tagging @Trover on occasion
  • Provide other support to Trover via Twitter, i.e. if they run a contest or have a new feature to promote. Support (RTs) of other #TroveOn participants is also appreciated
  • Post to your blog Facebook page at least twice during the four weeks, tagging @Trover
  • Twice within the month, create a “List” on Trover, using your own discoveries and/or those of other Trovers. A good list contains 15-20 photos and can center around travel planning, post-trip travel guide, or something interest-based like “candy shops from around the world”. (More guidance on this will come later.)
  • Create and publish one blog post to the main page of your blog about using Trover
  • Display the Trover widget on your sidebar for the duration of the campaign
  • Provide detailed analysis of your pageviews, Facebook reach, etc. upon request following the end of the campaign, as well as answering some review questions from Trover.